Thanks to Hazelnut Cove for passing me the One Lovely Blog Award originated by Jennuine Candles.
About the One Lovely Blog Award
The One Lovely Blog Award is passed from blogger to blogger, going to those whom you’ve newly discovered and who make you feel at home.
Here are the guidelines taken from Hazelnut cove:
- Once you’ve been given the award, accept it by posting it on your blog, along with the name and link to the person who recognized you with it.
- The next step is to pass the award on. The exact number of blogs you should pass it on to seems to vary. I was not able to find the originator of the award to be sure; but, the general consensus seems to be between 7 and 15.
- Finally, be sure to leave a comment for the bloggers you’ve chosen, letting them know that you think they have “One Lovely Blog.”.
So, who to pass this treasure along to? I'm just beginning that process. Here's my first treasure pass
Artful living on the bluff - http://artfullivingonthebluff.blogspot.com/ for her lovely Jar of Jewelry story. Stop by and read it.
- Roseworks Treasury http://roseworkstreasury.blogspot.com/2009/08/bead-flowers-by-etsy-bead-weavers.html for showcasing the talents of Etsy Beadweavers who make flowers.
What a pretty award it is. I enjoyed the article on having beads in your dreams. I hadn't read any of that before. :)
WOW! Thanks! I have been so busy getting my life organized that I didn't even know - Now I wonder who I should pass it along to... hmmm...
Thanks again, Glenda :)
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