What is an aught you might well ask? An aught is a unit of measurement for measuring seed bead sizes. It is denoted by the symbol a backslash with a zero (/0). Hence,
when you see a seed bead referred to as size 11/0 it means the bead is eleven aughts in size. The symbol makes some sense if you know that the word aught derived from the old English word naught which means zero. However, visualising the size of an ‘aught’ is somewhat harder and makes very little sense. An aught is a very old-fashioned measurement that refers to the number of beads lined up side by side that will fit in a given area. An 8 aught (8/0) seed bead means that you will get 8 of those beads in the space. An 11 (11/0) aught bead means that eleven beads will fit in the same amount of space. Hence, the inverted logic - the smaller the number the bigger the bead, as it takes fewer beads to fill the space. Still puzzled? Well there is a very handy chart on how aughts relate to more modern measurements such as inches and millimetres on several websites. I've put my own version in this post to help visualise an aught.

If you want some other handy tools for sizing beady things Snazzy Cat has some great free downloads.
Sources • http://www.beadinglife.com/bead-sizes.html • http://www.unc.edu/~rowlett/units/dictA.html
Thanks for the explanation! I've always wondered :)
Very informative.
Great article, I had trouble at first with the sizing but then I found some information on the FireMountain Gem web site that gave an explaination of beed sizes and charts you could download or print.
Who knew? Thanks for the great info, Glenda.
Very interesting. Thanks for the info, you must have done some exstenisve research.
Thanks for the informative post. I wondered about bead sizes myself. You have cleared up a mystery!
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